Chapter 62/Video 16: Extreme Friends

In this chapter we discuss navigating the SCA while having friends with extreme views. This video is a companion to our podcast The Everyday Knight, in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives. You can find us at or on Facebook at

Chapter 53/Video 7: Dress Etiquette

In this video we discuss how observing the etiquette of dress can demonstrate the virtues of courtesy and propriety. This video is a companion to our podcast The Everyday Knight, in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.

You can find us at

or on Facebook at

Chapter 2, Personal Philosophies

In our second foray into the Knightly Virtues, we discuss and compare our personal philosophies; Ethical Pragmatism and the Social Contract. These are the frameworks that we use to navigate the intricacies of modern life and the lens through which we view chivalric behavior in our modern lives.

Chapter 2, Part 1

Chapter 2, Part 2

Chapter 2, Part 3